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Your Device Price (Based on your purchase date)Service Request Fee
RM 1 - RM 500RM60
RM 500 - RM 1,000RM60
RM 1,001 - RM 1,500RM60
RM 1,501 - RM 2,000RM60
RM 2,001 - RM 2,500RM60
RM 2,501 - RM 3,000RM60
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Your Device Price (Based on your purchase date)Service Request Fee
RM 1 - RM 500RM60
RM 500 - RM 1,000RM60
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RM 1,501 - RM 2,000RM60
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Your Device Price (Based on your purchase date)Service Request Fee
RM 1 - RM 500RM60
RM 500 - RM 1,000RM60
RM 1,001 - RM 1,500RM60
RM 1,501 - RM 2,000RM60
RM 2,001 - RM 2,500RM60
RM 2,501 - RM 3,000RM60
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  1. Email to deviceservice@compasia.com and request for Extended Warranty (with your Order ID and Pictures/Videos of evidence)\n

  2. \n
  3. We’ll arrange for the collection of your device for IMEI verification & diagnosis
  4. \n
  5. Once confirmed, we’ll repair or replace the device
  6. \n
  7. We’ll contact you on your availability to return the device via email
  8. \n
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